Boston Code-a-thon Winners Announced!

Last Saturday’s Boston Health 2.0 Developer Challenge Code-a-thon was a fantastic success! It was amazing to see all of the great collaboration and work that was accomplished in a mere 8 hours. Like most of our code-a-thons, many of our teams had never met each other before that morning.  However, the Health 2.0 team was incredibly impressed by all they were able to contribute and the amount of support they offered each other. We are pleased to announce the winners of the day but every participant deserves recognition for their hard work and creativity. Congratulations!

1st Place: Team Triangle - This diverse developer-clinician team built a platform to track involuntary movement disorders using an XBOX Kinect. The software calculates and scores aggregate distance traveled by limbs against the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS). The platform has the potential to become an affordable in-home monitoring device for Parkinson’s and movement disorders brought on by prescribed anti-psychotic medication. The team has plans to expanded their metrics to the entire AIMS Scale and hopes a future iteration of this tool might be used as a less subjective diagnostic option.

2nd Place: Team MIT Media Lab – This team built an application that allows cataract detection in the field to be connected with an open source EMR system. The CameraCulture group at the MIT Media Lab has been working on a project called MetraCataraca, a stand-alone Android device that evaluates evolution of Cataracts. In a separate effort, the Lab has also developed an open source telehealth system called CollaboRhythm. The team bridged these two projects by successfully programming a CollaboRhythm visualization plugin for transmitted MetraCatarac data.

Honorable Mention: Team Databetes – This group constructed a mobile self-management and a peer support tool for diabetics. The project combined a medical data management system with social networking features to provide clear visual cues about the effect of daily behavior on personal glucose levels. Using emotive avatars, the application depicts glucose readings in a palatable way and gives patients access to a diabetic community and clinical support.

Congratulations to our Boston Code-a-thon winners! We can’t wait to see Team Triangle and Team MIT compete in the final round at the Health 2.0 Spring Fling in San Diego next month!  While these two teams will be moving on to the next level, check back for a full recap of all our exciting Eastern Code-a-thon demos.

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