Pre-Conference Sessions highlighting Doctors, Patients, Employers & Lawyers

For the 1st time ever, we will feature 4 in depth sessions the day before the Health 2.0 Fall Conference for all attendees to experience. On September 25th we will highlight: Patients 2.0, Employers 2.0, Doctors 2.0 and Health Law 2.0 that will look at the various aspects of the way Health 2.0 technologies are impacting different sectors of the health care industry…

Health Law 2.0: Will address the pressing legal issues facing both large and small companies working in Health 2.0 as innovative health technologies have enabled greater consumer access and control. These issues include privacy of health data, provider ratings, performance incentives, online advertising and more. You’ll hear from top notch legal minds on the impacts for both users and vendors of Health 2.0 technology and services.

Employers 2.0: We’re going to look at how technology is changing the workplace and enabling employers to take a proactive role in the health of their employees. We’ll cover the integration of Wellness 2.0 tools into health benefits, new developments in worksite clinics, and how Health 2.0 tools are helping employees purchase care in a different way. We’ll also hear from innovative employers who are thinking outside the box regarding health and wellness services.

Doctors 2.0: A special showcase featuring the latest and greatest in tools and services transforming physician practices. From the iPad to the cloud, we’ll see the newest technologies in EMRs, scheduling, patient-physician communications, and more, and discuss best practices in implementing these tools in the clinic.

Patients 2.0: This meeting continues the dialogue started at Health 2.0′s previous San Francisco and San Diego events. Over the last year Patients 2.0 has brought together hundreds patients and advocates who’ve contributed stories about using, sharing and co-creating health data. This session aims to better define ways empowered patients can influence our current health system and shape future policy.

There is also an amazing opportunity to get infront of these targeted demographics and gain additional marketing exposure for your company. To learn more about how to get involved see the Sponsorship Prospectuses for Doctors 2.0, Employers 2.0 and Health Law 2.0.
Only registered conference attendees will be able to participate in these great activities. PRICES GO UP SOON - REGISTER TODAY!

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