Doxo: Saving Trees and Reducing Health Care Costs

Doxo, a company which provides e-payment services and a digital filing cabinet, has pushed into health care. Last week, the company announced partnerships with 40 hospitals and 3000 physicians to implement their digital filing technology.

The business works like this: Hospitals pay Doxo a small fee to manage billing and claims information, in return, their billing becomes paper-free and therefore cheaper. On the customer side, patients simply opt-in on Doxo’s website to start receiving their hospital statements and insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) digitally.

Doxo joins an interesting cadre of companies that have leveraged their experience in unrelated fields to solve problems relevant to health care. Intuit, the company behind Quicken and TurboTax, demoed a similar patient portal at Health 2.0′s most recent Fall 2011 Conference. Salesforce is another company that has customized its e-workflow products for health care.

Given the push by these outside companies to reduce medicine’s paper dependence, what other non-health companies would you like to see improve this space?

[via GigaOm]
Health 2.0