Monthly Archives: November 2010
In the tech world an unanticipated use case occurs when innovators build their own projects on already useful technology. It’s how Virtual Active: BitGym Edition, a new fitness app released today, came about. The iOS app takes into account a … Continue reading →
On October 7-8, 2010, Health 2.0 held its annual Health 2.0 Fall Conference in San Francisco, Ca. If you go to Health 2.0 TV you can find all of the best on stage moments, including the hosts’ opening introduction to … Continue reading →
Congratulations to team First Steps for being the winners of the Health 2.0 Developer Challenge Code-a-thon. It is a great accomplishment to form an idea, manipulate data sets, create a prototype with a small amount of time, and win. This … Continue reading →
Did you know? Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. A third of cancers could be cured if detected early and treated adequately. More than 30% of cancers can be prevented. Prevention is an important method to cancer treatment, … Continue reading →
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